Thanks to all who have joined us at our Knit Nights!  What fun we have had getting to know each other as we knit, crochet, tag, and bag scarves that are currently being given out in six states!  We even have three groups that have formed outside of the Dallas area; they are in Denver, Colorado; Chicago, Illinois; and Pemberton, New Jersey. Each fall, many boxes of scarves are mailed to our field representatives in these cities, and each representative ensures that the scarves are given out individually to those who need them. And a few months ago, a former Dallas volunteer, Shirley Atkison, started a chapter of our organization in her new Ohio community! Already, a group of seniors have knitted many scarves that they will be distributing later this year. Our scarves have even been given to people in Chile, Spain, Iceland, Argentina, Scotland, England, and Australia! We would love to have your help as we continue to add purpose to people's lives as we spread warmth and kindness throughout the world.

 While we weren’t meeting in person for over 14 months due to the pandemic, we are finally meeting once again each second Saturday of the month. Each Knit Night is held upstairs at the Whole Foods Market on the SE corner of Preston and Forest in North Dallas.  The meetings are "come and go" from 6:30-8:30 p.m.  If you want to brush up on your knitting and/or crocheting skills, join us! If you want to help us tag scarves and aren’t into knitting or crocheting, join us! If you want to pick up your own bag of scarves to keep in your car and distribute, join us! If you need to pick up some yarn that will be used to make scarves for our organization, join us! Finally, we love visitors of all ages and both genders, so please don’t hesitate to join us!


Questions? E-mail Christine at